So Alyson and I have added a new addition to Nashionland. It is about 7 feet tall, incredibly sturdy, heavy as hell and with the eventual intention of getting as much stuff into it as possible. YES, a giant cupbard of sorts! We went to the Rebuilding Center and picked it up on Sunday. But of course not without some bumps along the ways (which would not be the Nashionland way). Once we picked it out the employees told us to bring our car around so they could help load it in the car. So we got to the car, and it's thought that the Crimson Tide does is not fond of me (Carolyn). It wouldn't start. So I got out and it eventually started. Finally got the cupboard in the car. Since it stuck out about a foot we tied some pretend Boyscout knots to keep it from falling out as we drive back to the studio. When we got back to the studio - muscle man Jeff was waiting for us to help load it into the studio. Well, turns out it really is heavy as hell and the good employees of the Rebuilding Center were just super strong. So after lots of huffing and puffing, getting the bottom edge stuck in the stair crack, breaking the bottom slightly... it now resides in Nashionland where it will never leave. Below is a photo before we nearly broke out backs pulling it out of the car. More photos to come!